How to maintain Blonde hair at home

How to maintain Blonde hair at home

Blonde hair needs extra TLC both in the salon and at home. Blondes may have more fun, but they also have more to do with maintenance to keep their colour looking vibrant & fresh. You pay a lot to have your hair looking great, and with a little time at home you can maintain your hair colour for longer.

Credit @essendonhairandmakeup

Warm is good, cold is better

Ever felt wide awake after being splashed with cold water? Your hair reacts to washing the same way. If you can bear it, wash your hair in cold water because it will keep the vibrancy of your colour longer.

Credit @xoxo_balayage

Use a violet shampoo

Heard the saying opposites attract? In this case they not only attract but make a perfect match. With blonde hair being on the opposite side of the colour wheel to violet tones, these are best to keep your hair looking fresh, vibrant and non brassy. Use a specialized blonde shampoo to get rid of brassiness & tone your hair.

Credit @aaashleee

Keep Hydrated!

The easiest way to keep your hair in good condition is to treat yourself to a blonde hair mask once a week. Aside from gaining some well earned you time, this will ensure your hair is soft, silky and has less breakage.

Credit @thomas.everett

Protect your hair

We’ve all seen someone who’s had hair breakage from over-processing. It’s not attractive, and using less heat on your hair can help minimize this. Try styling your hair without the dryer or flat iron, and if you absolutely have to use heated tools then use an ionic lock spray.

Credit @catherinelovescolor